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I have always had a strong connection with the sea and have been particularly interested in the diversity of fishes that inhabit its waters. This interest led me to return to studies with a focus on ichthyology after studying and working in an unrelated field. I completed my BSc, honours and master’s degrees at Nelson Mandela University where I focussed on the ecology and biology of riverine and estuarine fishes. I have become especially interested in the early life-history stages, including their development, movement, behaviour and physiology and I am interested in questions relating these stages to fisheries populations as well as investigating techniques which will aid our understanding from ecophysiology to modelling. Outside of the lab I enjoy diving, surfing, hiking and other outdoor activities.

Cuen Muller

Doctoral Student

Rhodes University

Research interests

Recruitment dynamics, larval ecology, ecophysiology

Current research

My current focus is on fisheries induced evolution and in particular how the early life stages from exploited and unexploited populations will comparably respond to various stressors associated with climate change. I will be assessing and comparing physiology, growth, behaviour and skeletal development between populations of stressed larvae and ultimately modelling prospective changes in larval recruitment under predicted future conditions.

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